Toms, David

David Toms is an Irish writer based in Norway. His poetry is widely published in Ireland in journals including BansheeThe Stinging Fly, and Channel and internationally in the UK and US. His work has been anthologised in Ireland and the UK, most recently in All Strangers Here (Arlen House/Syracuse University Press, 2021). He is previously a recipient of Arts Council of Ireland Literary Bursary and Agility Awards. His most recent books are a poetry collection Northly (Turas Press, 2019) and a memoir Pacemaker (Banshee Press, 2022).

Hughes, Caoilinn

Caoilinn Hughes' latest novel, The Wild Laughter (2020) won the Royal Society of Literature's Encore Award. It was also shortlisted for the An Post Irish Book Awards' Novel of the Year and RTÉ Radio 1 Listener's Choice Award 2020, the Dalkey Literary Awards, and was longlisted for the Dylan Thomas Prize. Her first novel Orchid & The Wasp (2018) won the Collyer Bristow Prize 2019, and was a finalist for four other prizes. Her poetry collection, Gathering Evidence (Carcanet 2014), won the Irish Times Strong/Shine Award.

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Theo Dorgan at the VI International Seminar on Irish Studies in Granada


As part of the VI International Seminar on Irish Studies, the Irish Studies Circle at the University of Granada presents a reading by poet Theo Dorgan, followed by a discussion. 

This event takes place on Thursday 26 January 2023 at the Aula García Lorca, Facultad Filosofía y Letras. Conctact Dr. Pilar Villar-Argáiz (pvillar[at] for more information. 

