12th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 7.2
New Voices and New Directions in Twenty-First-Century Irish Writing
19 December 2024, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening Remarks
Seán Crosson (General Editor of RISE, University of Galway)
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 7.2
New Voices and New Directions in Twenty-First-Century Irish Writing
by the contributors
Sylvie Mikowski (University of Reims Chapagne-Ardenne)
Sina Schuhmaier (University of Mannheim)
Franca Leitner (University of Mannheim)
Carolin Steinke (University of Augsburg)
Jessica Bundschuh (University of Stuttgart)
David Nisters (Leipzig University)
Ralf Haekel (Leipzig University)
Caroline Lusin (University of Mannheim)
Open Discussion
11th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 7.1
Remapping Irish Literary and Cultural Landscapes in the
Mid-Twentieth Century
16 May 2024, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening Remarks
Seán Crosson (General Editor of RISE, University of Galway)
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 7.1
Remapping Irish Literary and Cultural Landscapes in the Mid-Twentieth Century
Katherine M. Huber (Tilburg University)
Loic Wright (University College Dublin)
Moonyoung Hong (City University of Hong Kong)
Keelan Harkin (Concordia University)
Yen-Chi Wu (University of Leuven)
Phyllis Boumans (Uppsala University)
Open Discussion
10th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 6.2
Perspectives on the Irish Border
6 December 2023, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening Remarks
Seán Crosson (General Editor of RISE, University of Galway)
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 6.2
Perspectives on the Irish Border
Mary E. Daly (University College Dublin)
Richard English (Queen's University Belfast)
Ciara Chambers (University College Cork)
Kirsten Sandrock (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
Lance Pettitt
Oran Doyle (Trinity College Dublin; Academia Sinica, Taipei)
Sandra Heinen (University of Wuppertal)
Sylvie Mikowski (University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne)
Lance Pettitt
Katharina Rennhak (University of Wuppertal)
Open Discussion
Past events
9th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
Irish and Irish English linguistics: interfaces and synergies
Organised by the Irish English Network
15 February 2023, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening Remarks
Katharina Rennhak (EFACIS President, University of Wuppertal)
Anne Barron (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg)
Carolina Amador-Moreno (University of Bergen)
Aidan Doyle (University College Cork)
Ray Hickey (Universität Duisburg Essen/ University of Limerick)
Liam MacMathúna (University College Dublin)
Patricia Ronan (Technische Universität Dortmund)
Open Discussion
8th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
for the launch of
Ireland: Interfaces and Dialogues
11 January 2023, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening remarks:
Katharina Rennhak (EFACIS President, University of Wuppertal)
James Little (University College Dublin)
Chair: Ondřej Pilný (Charles University, Prague)
Presentations by:
Jochen Achilles (University of Würzburg)
Rachel Andrews (University of Galway)
Anna Falkenau (University of Galway)
Michael Lydon (Contemporary Music Centre, Dublin)
Laoighseach Ní Choistealbha (University of Galway)
Radvan Markus (Charles University, Prague)
Jessica Bundschuh (University of Stuttgart)
Alessandra Boller (University of Siegen)
Clare Wallace (Charles University, Prague)
Open discussion
7th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
Launch of The Multilingual Mermaid
Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill in Translation
Published by Gallery Press and edited by Peter Sirr
Supported by Literature Ireland
30 November 2022, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening Remarks:
Katharina Rennhak (EFACIS President, University of Wuppertal)
Launch of The Multilingual Mermaid
Guest Speaker: Professor Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin)
Presentations and discussion by the following:
Arndt Wigger (German translator)
Asmaa Shammari (Arabic translator)
Awatif Alshammari (Arabic translator)
Jorge Rodríguez Durán (Galician & Spanish translator)
Magdalena Kleszczewska (Polish translator)
Natasha Remoundou (Greek translator)
Maria Filomena Louro (Portuguese translator)
Rióna Ní Fhrighil & John Caulfield (Aistriú directors)
Open Discussion
6th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 5.1
Irish Sexual Liberation and Its Literatures, Part 1
'Speaking out/ when it's dangerous'
7 July 2022, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening Remarks:
Katharina Rennhak (EFACIS President, University of Wuppertal)
and Seán Crosson (General Editor of RISE, NUI Galway)
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 5.1
Irish Sexual Liberation and Its Literatures, Part 1: 'Speaking out / when it's dangerous'
Presentations by the following:
Naoise Murphy (University of Cambridge, England)
Cara Delay (College of Charleston, South Carolina)
Phyllis Boumans (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Estibalitz Ezkerra Vegas (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Michael G. Cronin (Maynooth University, Ireland)
Michael Lydon (University of Galway, Ireland)
Robert Brazeau (issue co-editor, University of Alberta, Canada)
Laura Sydora (issue co-editor, Concordia University of Edmonton, Canada)
Open Discussion
5th EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
The Irish Language and Literature in Europe
WHEN: Thursday, 13 January 2022, 6pm (Irish Time) / 7pm (CET)
WHERE: online via zoom
Opening remarks by Katharina Rennhak (EFACIS President, University of Wuppertal)
and Radvan Markus (Charles University, Prague)
Chair: Éadaoin Ní Mhuircheartaigh (DCU)
Historical Views
Mícheál Mac Craith (NUI Galway): The Irish Language in Rome
Pádraig Ó Liatháin (DCU): Continental Europe in Irish-Language Literature(1600-1800)
Irish-Language Literature in Translation
Daniela Theinová (Charles University, Prague): Czech Translations of Irish-Language Poetry
Radvan Markus (Charles University, Prague): Máirtín Ó Cadhain’s Cré na Cille and World Literature
Micheál Ó Conghaile (Cló Iar-Chonnacht): Translations of Máirtín Ó Cadhain’s Cré na Cille
Europe in Modern Irish-Language Literature
Rióna Ní Fhrighil (NUI Galway): Máire Mhac an tSaoi and Europe
Brian Ó Conchubhair (University of Notre Dame): Russian Influence on Irish-Language Literature
Máirín Nic Eoin (RIE): The International Turn in Irish-Language Literature Studies; the Introduction of the Book of Essays Ar an Imeall i Lár an Domhain
Open Discussion
EFACIS Roundtable Discussions
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 4.2
'Wrapping Our Heads Around Copies of This Book':
To Medbh McGuckian at Seventy
16 December 2021, 6 pm GMT/ 7 pm CET
Opening Remarks:
Katharina Rennhak (EFACIS President, University of Wuppertal)
and Seán Crosson (General Editor of RISE, NUI Galway)
Launch of Review of Irish Studies in Europe 4.2
‘Wrapping Our Heads Around Copies of This Book’: To Medbh McGuckian at Seventy
Featuring a poetry reading by and a discussion with Medbh McGuckian
Presentations by:
Jessica Bundschuh (University of Stuttgart)
Maureen E. Ruprecht Fadem (Kingsborough-CUNY)
Eric Falci (University of California, Berkeley)
Fanni Fekete-Nagy ( Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Jefferson Holdridge (Wake Forest University, North Carolina)
Mary O’Malley-Madec (Villanova University, Ireland)
Reading and Discussion:
Medbh McGuckian
Daniela Theinová (issue editor, Charles University, Prague)
Open Discussion
3rd EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
The Irish English Network (IrEN)
(14 October 2021, 7 pm CET)
Opening Remarks by Katharina Rennhak (EFACIS President, University of Wuppertal)
Gerardine Meaney (UCD),
The Irish English Network: An Introduction
Raymond Hickey (University of Duisburg-Essen),
The Development of the Field
Anne Barron (Leuphana University Lüneburg),
Irish English, the Irish English Network & Irish Studies
Current Research in Irish English
with contributions by
Carolina Amador-Moreno (University of Bergen),
Anne Barron (Leuphana University Lüneburg),
Karen Corrigan (Newcastle University),
Raymond Hickey (University of Duisburg-Essen),
Bettina Migge (UCD),
Elaine Vaughan (University of Limerick)
Open Discussion
2nd EFACIS Roundtable Discussion
Launch of Irish Studies in Europe Volume 10
Stage Irish: Performance, Identity, Cultural Circulation
30 September 2021, online via Zoom
Opening Remarks: Katharina Rennhak (University of Wuppertal, EFACIS)
Introduction to "Stage Irish: Performance, Identity, Cultural Circulation" by the Editors
Paul Fagan (Salzburg University)
Contents of Irish Studies in Europe Vol. 10
Part I: What ish my nation? Constructing Irishness from Romanticism to Modernism
Paul Fagan (Salzburg University): "Groves of Blarney: Fake Songs, Mock-Hoaxes, and Stage irish identity in William Maginn and Francis Sylvester Mahony"
Marguérite Corporaal (Radboud University): Staging Irishness in the Transnational Marketing of Local Colour Fiction
Elke D'hoker (KU Leuven): "Staging Irishness in Ethel Colburn Mayne's 'The Happy Day'"
Richard Barlow (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore): "Dion Boucicault, Arrah-na-Pogue, and Stage Irishry in Finnigans Wake"
Part II: Expatriate Perspectives: Staging Irishness in Vienna, Trieste, and Ljubljana
Dieter Fuchs (University of Vienna): "Austria and the Irish Paddy: Seán O'Casey's Juno and the Paycock Staged in 1930 and 1934 Vienna"
Part III: Popular Paddies: Parading Irishness on the Screen and in the Streets
Michael Connerty (National Film School at IADT Dublin): "'Beguiling Shenanigans': Ireland and Hollywood Animation 1947-1959"
Michelle Witen (University of Flensburg): "Object Lessons and Staged Irishness in Darby O'Gill and the Little People"
Part IV: Political Theatre: Renegotiating Irishness on the Twenty-First-Century-Stage
Anne Fogarty (University College Dublin): "Reconfigurations of Gender in Contemporary Irish Stage Adaptations, 2019-2020: Deirdre Kinahan's The Unmanageable Sisters, Edna O'Brien's The Country Girls, Marina Carr's Hecuba and Michael West's Solar Bones"
Clare Wallace (Charles University Prague): "Set Piece, Set Peace? Negative Emotions and the Possibity of Change in Recent Stage Images of the North"
Natasha Remoundou (Deree, The American College of Greece): Regarding the Rights of Others: Spectres of the middle east in Conall Morrison's The Bacchae of Baghdad
Open Discussion