International Ph.D Seminar, Leuven , 2012
EFACIS PhD seminar in Irish Studies – ‘Irish Time’ 3-7 September 2012 Programme
Venue: Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe, Janseniusstraat 1, 3000 Leuven
Monday 3 September
9 – 10.30: registration
10:30: opening of the PhD seminar (conference room 1)
11 - 12.30: research workshops A: Shane Alcobia-Murphy (Aberdeen University) on trauma, memory and forgetting (conference room 1) B: Elke D’Hoker and Stephanie Eggermont (KU Leuven) on narratology (conference room 2)
12.30 - 2: lunch
2 - 3.30: student presentations - Mark Schmitt (Mannheim University): “Functions of whiteness in transcultural encounters in Ireland since 1990.” - Oliver O’Hanlon (University College Cork): “The French grand reporter in Ireland in the 20th century. - Ruud van den Beuken (Radboud University Nijmegen): “Memory, modernity, and (inter)nationalist identities at the Dublin Gate Theatre, 1928-1957.”
3.30 - 4 : coffee
4 – 5.30: Plenary lecture 1: Christopher Morash (NUI Maynooth): “Displaced Persons: ReThinking Irish Timespace” Chair: Raphaël Ingelbien
Tuesday 4 September
9 - 10.30: student presentations: - Lindsay Jansen and Christopher Cusack (Radboud University Nijmegen): “Recollecting the Great Famine in Irish (diaspora) fiction, 1871-1891 and 1892-1921.” - Nazare Graça (University of Coimbra): “The transatlantic crossing: the portrait of the Irish emigrant woman in The Pale Gold of Alaska by Éilis Ní Dhuibhne.”
10.30 - 11: coffee
11 - 12.30: research workshops C: Raphaël Ingelbien (KU Leuven) on periodization in historiography (conference room 1) D: Hedwig Schwall (KU Leuven) on psychoanalytical approaches to neurosis and psychosis
12.30 - 2: lunch
2 - 3.30: Plenary lecture 2: Peter Gray (Queen’s University Belfast) “A ‘people’s viceroyalty’? Popularity, theatre and executive politics 1835–47’. Chair: Elke D’hoker
3.30 - 4 : coffee
4 – 5.30: student presentations: - Thomas Fisher (NUI Galway): “Mapping ‘iron roads’: cultural landscapes of the Irish railway system, 1834-c.1900.” - Christopher Budde (Ruhr University Bochum): “The reception and perception of German culture in Ireland, 1850-1890.” - Frederik Van Dam (KULeuven): “Pathos as Parnell: form and liberalism in Anthony Trollope’s The Landleaguers.”
Wednesday 5 September
9 - 10.30: research workshop: E: John Brannigan (University College Dublin / Irish University Review) on publishing in Irish Studies.
10.30 - 11: coffee
11 - 12.30: student presentations: - Paul Huddie (Queen’s University Belfast): “Not so imperfect: Ireland’s responses to the Crimean War, an example of Irish harmony with European and world historiographies.”
- Kevin Boyle (St Patrick’s College Dublin): “John Banville and Romanticist Ethics.”
- Benedicte Seynhaeve (KU Leuven): “Shakespeare and Irish Romanticism.”
12.30 - 2: lunch
2 – 5 : visits to the Central Library / Faculty of Arts Library
5.30-6.30: optional tour the Leuven Beguinage (UNESCO World Heritage Site)
Thursday 6 September
9 - 10.30: student presentations - Michaela Markova (Trinity College Dublin): “Literary representations of contested Belfast landscapes.” - Sonka Ihnen (University College Dublin): “Novels to end all novels: a comparison of the works of James Joyce and Thomas Mann.” - Flicka Small (University College Cork): “The function of food in the work of James Joyce.”
10.30 - 11: coffee
11 - 12.30: Plenary lecture 3: Catherine Maignant (Université de Lille III): "Mythifying and remythifying Irish time : The Albert Kahn Irish photo collection and its receptions." Chair: Hedwig Schwall
12.30 - 2: lunch
2 - 3.30: student presentations - Justine Wary (University of Reims): “Readings of Elizabeth Bowen: the problems of interpreting a hybrid work.” - Gulum Tekin (University of Granada): “Gender and ethnicity in the representation of women in Roddy Doyles’s work.” - Manuel Cadeddu (University of Cagliari): “Keeping different times in Irish literature of the Revival period.”
3.30 - 4 : coffee
4 – 5: student presentations - Catherine Wilsdon (University College Dublin) Plotting a third course: J.M. Synge and Europe - Sean O’Dubhgaill (KU Leuven) Europeanizing Ireland. The Erasmus Mundus experience: Irish time, spent abroad
Friday 7 September
9.00 - 10.30: student presentations - Debbie Brouckmans (KU Leuven): “A Formal, thematic and generic analysis of the short story cycle in Ireland”. - Debora Biancheri (NUI Galway): “Policies and strategies of translation of contemporary Irish literature into Italian.” - Sien Deltour (KU Leuven): “Learning at last to see’: Spirituality in Eiléan Ní Chuillleanáin’s The Sun-Fish (2009).”
10.30 - 11: coffee
11 - 12.30: research workshops F: Dirk Van Hulle (University of Antwerp) on textual genetics (Auditorium) G: Raphaël Ingelbien (KU Leuven) on periodization and publishing cultures (conference room 4)
12.30 - 2: lunch
2 – 2.30: closing remarks and farewell