11th EFACIS International Conference "Translocations: Pathways in Irish Studies"
Translocation: Pathways in Irish Studies
Call for Papers
Whither Irish studies? Where are we and where are we going?
With scholars from every continent in universities all over the world, Irish studies is a multidisciplinary field which has expanded well beyond its initial home, geographically in Irish, British and American universities, and academically, in historical and literary studies. Irish studies flourishes in academic institutions from Beijing to Buenos Aires, from Mumbai to Moscow, and in a varied and expanding range of disciplines, including politics and sociology, musical studies, film and media studies, the visual and plastic arts, and sports studies, to name but a few. Translocation, defined as the act, process, or an instance of changing location or position, seems a fitting umbrella title to embrace the multiple themes which will be under discussion at the EFACIS Conference 2017, to be held in the beautiful Galician coastal city of A Coruña. This conference aims to be a celebration of all these different pathways in the vast field of Irish Studies and to debate the present and future of the field, with academics, experts and administrators from a variety of different academic and geographical background, while attempting to showcase the wealth and breadth of research being undertaken throughout the world.
The globalisation of Irish Studies as an academic field brings with it new possibilities and fresh challenges. With new means of distribution and transmission of Irish culture, the growing irrelevance of national frontiers and a potential market of aworldwide nature, the ‘translocal’ world offers enormous possibilities to and places great demands on Irish Studies. The island itself is demographically and socially in a period of flux, and Galicia, a small stateless nation with historical, cultural andemotional links to Ireland, seems an appropriate location for scholars in Irish Studies to gather to discuss the present, past and future of the field. Papers are welcome on all areas of Irish studies, including but not limited to:
- New ways of conveying,using and transmitting different forms of Irish culture
- Demographic change and cultural transmission
- Irish Studies in the world: considerations upon changing perspectives/paradigms and methodologies
- Imagining translocal space-Ecocriticism (eco-sustainable narratives)
- Borders and border spaces
- Transnational cultural transmission
- Popular culture and the translocal
- Exploring translocalities
- Sociology and change
- International, multinational, transnational and anti-national
- The visual artsand translocation
- World music and world audiences
- Translocal spaces in the production and content of film
- The translocal world of the contemporary television series
- Travel literature
- Representations of forced and voluntary relocations/migrations/emigrations
- Transmigration-Post Celtic Tiger economies-Dramatic production and performance in a changing world
- Translation and translocation-Online writing, online reading
- Academic locations and reallocations of Irish Studies
- Postcoloniality,subalternity and gender in Irish Studies
- Biopolitics/Necropolitics in Irish Studies
- Transculturation, cultural hybridity and intercultural dialogue in Irish Studies
- Irish Studies in a comparatist perspective (with Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, Galician, Catalan and Basque Studies among others).
Please sent abstract of 250 words plus short biography (2-3 lines) by 31st March 2017 to efacis17@gmail.com.
David Clark - Conference organiser.