"It was fascinating to find out more about Jan Carson's work. As a Belgian student, I was amazed by how The Troubles are presented in her work, namely the big diversity in how they are experienced in different times and by people form different age groups. I loved seeing her use of magical realism in presenting some of those different experiences. This evening was not only enjoyable but also an eye-opener."
Astrid Sondakh
"Walking into the auditorium, I was not expecting to be surprised as I had already read some of Jan Carson's work. Besides, as an English language student, I have a bit of a background on the history of Ireland in the late 20th Century. Carson, however, had me completely blown away by the personal stories accompanied linked to these events and how she incorporates her own experiences, such as her work with patients who suffer from dementia, in words on paper. Getting used to th Irish accent takes five minutes, but you gladly stay for the whole Q&A session."
Laura Delbarre