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Studies in Europe Vol. VIII: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: Essays in Irish Literature, Culture and Politics in Honour of Werner Huber
Irish Studies in Europe Vol. VIII: Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: Essays in Irish Literature, Culture and Politics in Honour of Werner Huber
Schwall, Hedwig (ed.)
Table of Contents
Full volume
H. Schwall; Boundaries, Passages, Transitions: An Introduction
D. Kiberd; Going Global?
K. Side; "Ungenerous, though not mean": The Scheme for the Purchase of Evacuated Dwellings, Belfast, Northern Ireland
S. Lehner; Performing Belfast: Stewart Parker's Northen Star (1984) and Pentecost (1987)
S. Schwerter; "Beyond the troubles": Parody and the Northern Irish Thriller in Ceasefire Cinema
S. Crosson; Gaelic Games and the Films of John Ford
J. Achilles; Intermedial Drama and the Commodification of Irish Identities
O. Pilný; "Did you like how I made that turn, Officer?": Martin McDonagh's Hangmen and Capital Punishment
J. F. Dean; Martin McDonagh's Epistemological Instability: The Noose of Hangmen
M. Kurdi; Post-Celtic Tiger Crisis Genderized and the Escape to Virtual Realities in Nancy Harris's No Romance
G. Smyth; Another Listen to the Music in James Joyce's "A Mother"
P. Fagan; Out of Joint: James Joyce and 'Irish Time'
T. Radak; 'Sigmund Freud... analyze this': The Joys of Freud and the "Cycloannalism" of Finnegans Wake
J. McCourt; Beyond England: Bringing Ireland into the Victorian Novel, the Case of Anthony Trollope
D.Abbate Badin; "The soul within me burned / Italia, my Italia, at thy name": Wilde's Early Poems and his Fascination with Italy
E. Cotta Ramusino; Beyond Transition: Elizabeth Bowen's Seven Winters
K. Hopper, N. Murphy; The House of Fiction: Dermot Healy's Short Stories
S. Mikowski; Race and Ethnicity across the Atlantic
Obituary by the English Department of the University of Vienna
Notes on Contributors
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