- Centre of Irish Studies
Universidad de La Rioja
The Centre of Irish Studies BANNA/BOND includes the Universities of La Rioja, Burgos, Zaragoza and Deusto(Spain). It was set up to bring together professors, lecturers, students and others who share an interest in all aspects related to the history, society, art and literature of Ireland. It is a non-profit academic organization devoted to the appreciation and promotion of Irish culture in the north-central part of Spain.
Info here: https://www.unirioja.es/apnoticias/servlet/Noticias?codnot=4921&accion=detnot
The Centre of Irish Studies BANNA/BOND was founded in March 2017. The Centre has expanded enormously, covering a great number of people working in the area of Irish Studies. Some of the research activities and meetings that have already been carried out are:
1. XVI AEDEI International Conference (Spanish Association for Irish Studies) celebrated 25-27 May 2017, The University of La Rioja (Spain)
Final programme, conference site, videos, poster and streamings here: http://aedei.es/?page_id=1015
2. The Irish Itinerary 2018: Trauma and Identity in Contemporary Irish Literature and Film, celebrated 12-15 February 2018, The University of La Rioja (Spain)
Final programme and poster here: http://www.unirioja.es/apnoticias/servlet/Noticias?codnot=5367&accion=detnot
3. San Patrick’s Day 2018: Ireland and Identity on Screen, celebrated 19-22 March 2018, The University of La Rioja (Spain)
Final programme here and poster here: http://www.unirioja.es/apnoticias/servlet/Noticias?codnot=5434&accion=detnot
Past events:
Irish Itinerary (EFACIS): Gender Based Violence and the Art of Storytelling
17 March - 31 May 2022
The Centre of Irish Studies Banna/Bond (EFACIS) of the universities of La Rioja, Burgos, Deusto and Zaragoza, are proud to announce the fifth International Seminar on St. Patrick's Day (Irish Itinerary 2022).
This cultural activity, held in English and Spanish, aims to analyse some of the violent events related to women's lives in Ireland in the 20th and 21s century from sociological and artisic perspective in several discussions with multiple Irish artists, Spanish theatre actors and directors and academics. The seminar includes readings, interviews, lectures followed by discussion, book presentations and a concert of Irish music.
Full programme: click here!
Emer Martin at La Rioja, Logroño.
- Il St.Patrick's Day International Seminar: Irish Itinerary 2019 and Women in Irish Culture
The “Centre of Irish Studies Banna/Bond” (EFACIS) (Burgos, Deusto, La Rioja and Zaragoza) is proud to announce “II St. Patrick’s Day International Seminar: Irish Itinerary 2019 (EFACIS) and Women in Irish Culture", 1 February-30 March 2019, hosted by the University of La Rioja (UR), Department of Modern Languages and School of Master and Doctorate Studies (EMYDUR-UR)
The International Seminar includes:
- Irish Itinerary 2019 (EFACIS), with Guest writer Alan McMonagle (Galway).
- Keynotes: Dr. Ruth Barton (TCD), Dr. Eunan O’Halpin (TCD) and Dr. Eve Morrison (TCD), and José A. León Mangado (AEDEI webmaster).
- “The Irish in Latin American Exhibition” (Embassy of Ireland in Spain and Department of Foreign Affairs in Ireland, SILAS and Gobierno de La Rioja)
- Poster Competition “St. Patrick’s Day, Guinness and Women in Irish Culture” (Guinness, Dublin, and Cervecerías Covent Garden, Logroño)
- Irish Music Concert by “Illo-Gronio” (Gota de Leche, Ayuntamiento de Logroño)
Website and info: http://bit.ly/StPatricksDayUR19
Main Organiser: Dr. Melania Terrazas (Head of Banna/Bond Centre (EFACIS)) (University of La Rioja, Spain)
Organising committee: Cristina Cilla, Jonatan González and Alicia Muro (Centre Banna/Bond (EFACIS)) (University of La Rioja)
- Research Seminar and Exhibition: The Irish in Latin-America: History and Culture (organized by Dr. Melania Terrazas (University of La Rioja; Spain) (Centre for Irish Studies Banna/Bond (EFACIS) (7-24 May 2018))
The Irish in Latin America is an international touring exhibition commissioned by the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade as part of the Ireland 2016 Global Diaspora Programme commemorating the centenary of the 1916 Easter Rising. This attractive and colourful display of 26 large panels engages the public with Irish heritage in Latin American countries. The exhibition highlights Ireland and Latin America’s shared history of colonialism, subsequent independence and revolutionary struggles. Each panel features Irish figures who helped to shape art and cultural heritage, intellectual tradition, scientific scholarship as well as politics and foreign policy throughout Latin America.
The Irish in Latin-America: History and Culture Research Seminar and Exhibition complement each other. Some Keynote Speakers are: Margaret Brehony (Curator of The Irish in Latin-America Exhibition and President of SILAS), Dr. Eunan O’Halpin (TCD) and Dr. Laura Izarra (USP and President of ABEI).
For more information, see the following web link: https://www.unirioja.es/apnoticias/servlet/Noticias?codnot=5537&accion=detnot
“The Irish in Latin-America”, celebrated 7-24 May, 2018 (The University of La Rioja (Spain)
Centre of Irish Studies BANNA/BOND (Founding Members):
Head of Centre:
- Dr. Melania Terrazas (University of La Rioja)
Email: melania.terrazas@unirioja.es
Research info: https://uinirioja.academia.edu/MelaniaTerrazasGallego
- Dr. Mª Amor Barros del Río (University of Burgos)
Email: abarros@ubu.es
Research info: http://ubu.academia.edu/Mar%C3%ADaAmorBarrosdelR%C3%ADo
- Dr. Constanza del Río Álvaro (University of Zaragoza)
Email: crio@unizar.es
Research info: https://filologiainglesa.unizar.es/personal/constanza-del-rio-alvaro
- Dr. Asier Altuna García de Salazar (University of Deusto)
Email: asier.altuna@deusto.es
Research info: https://www.deusto.es/cs/Satellite/deusto/es/universidad-deusto/sobre-deusto-0/deusto-quienes-somos/profesores/4097/profesor
- D. Jonatan González (University of La Rioja)
Email: jonatan.gonzalezg@gmail.com
Research info: https://unirioja.academia.edu/JonatanGonzalez